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Wa Sarabyin Francis A Sarabyin Prat (10) Ning Hpring Masat Dingsat 2019 Ning Wa Sarabyin Tsun Lai Wa Ai Ahkyak ai Mungga
This is no alternative.
Kaga lata na lam n nga sai.
We will either build the future together or there will be no future.
Shawng lam hpe rau gaw gap sa wa ga.
Dai n rai yang, shawng lam myit mada shara n nga mat na.
The Church's aim will be to hear, watch over, protect and care for abused, eploited and forgothen children.
Nawku Hpung gaw,
roi rip hkrum ai,
amyat htuk hkrum ai ni hte
malap da hkrum ma ni hpe
madat na la ya na, yu reng na,
makawp maga na,
lakawn na myit mada ai.
Wherever they are,
shanhte gara kaw mi rai rai,
let us pray for the grace to be able
chyeju hpring u ga matu akyu hpyi ga.
to listen to the cry of the poor:
matsan mayan ni a hkrap nsen hpe madat na la na gaw
this is the cry of the hope of the Church
Nawku Hpung a myit mada lam rai nga ai.
The use of nuclear weapons is immoral
Nuclear laknak jai lang ai gaw masha myit n rawng ai ni re.
and not only their use
dai hpe jai lang ai ni gaw,
but also their possession
namak lawhpa myit hte tinggyeng akyu tam ma ai.
because one person's madness can destroy humanity.
hpa majaw nga yang, masha langai akyang laban ai gaw shinggyim myu ting hpe jahten kau lu ai.
Video Editing By Julia Ja Ing
Translated By Fr. Patrick Gawmaw Hkawng Yae
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